Thursday, November 10, 2011

Getting Back into Alignment

I forgot to mention that I went in for an adjustment with Dr. Bahr yesterday. I figured that it would benefit me in that it would help my body complete the movements if it were properly aligned. I was right. There is something profound about having your entire body relax simultaneously. I hadn't even realized that anything was wrong until I went in to her. It turned out that my left leg was an inch shorter than my right, and that I had a curve in my spine.

One of the things I appreciate about her method is that she doesn't twist you around. Everything is done on a flat plane and no torque is administered to your spine. I'm not saying that those who do twist you are wrong, it's just that, when I originally injured my back in 1994, my doctor cautioned me to never put too much twist into my spine for fear of further injury.

This also translates into a better workout because your body is evenly distributing the work load. If you live in the Rapid City area, I enthusiastically recommend her. I'm also trying to get her to come and try Crossfit to see what it's all about. That could result in a very positive synergy between the two. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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